Tuesday, June 18, 2013

BMW Group Malaysia introduces t h e new BMW 7 S e r i e s

BMW Group Malaysia recently introduced the newest editions of the BMW 7 Series – the new BMW 730Li, BMW 740Li and the BMW ActiveHybrid 7L at the BM W Malaysian Open 2013. The premium automaker’s award winning flagship luxury sedan combines stylish design, luxury, and comfort with top class efficiency and driving dynamics that is the hallmark of a BMW vehicle.

The highlights of the new BMW 7 Series are its upgraded interior with optimized soundproofing, improved ride comfort, new Adaptive LED headlights, and state-of- the-art safety technology to create an in-car experience like no other. Combined with the world’s most powerful six-cylinder in-line petrol engine, the new BMW 7 Series will set new performance and efficiency benchmarks in the premium segment.

The launch of the new BMW 7 Series also expands on the company’s revolutionary Advanced Hybrid vehicle offerings with the introduction of the BMW ActiveHybrid 7L. The car combines the latest hybrid technology with intelligent energy management systems, enabling significant all- electric operations and reducing fuel consump tion by up to 27%.

Flawlessly executed design with premium materials and quality workmanship define the interior of the new BMW 7 Series. Newly designed and ergonomically optimized leather seats with electrically adjustable individual seats offer optimal support and unbeatable long-distance comfort.  As for passengers, they travel in luxury too as the freestanding 9.2 inch flat screens for the rear seats provide a refreshing travel diversion with endless entertainment options.

The BM W ActiveHybrid 7L  is  further  enhanced  with  superior  audio-visual  enter tainment, boasting  the  Bang  &  Olufsen High End Surround Sound System which delivers impeccable  sound quality, with  16 loudspeakers and an illuminated cen tre loudspeaker that can be retracted into the instrument panel for top-class audio-visual entertainment.

While dynamic performance continues to be an outstanding quality of the new BMW 7 Series, sophisticated chassis technology is incorporated to ensure refined delivery of power from the drive system via a pneumatic rear suspension.

For  further  driving  comfort,   t he  BM W  7  Series  also  comes  with  an electronically  controlled  damping  system  that  is connected  to  each  wheel,  and adjusts  to  road conditions  and driving styles. For example, a stiff chassis setting will be adjusted in response to unevenness in the road surface, thus giving drivers a thoroughly improved driving experience on rough surfaces.”

At  the  heart t  of  the  new BMW  7  Series  is  the  multi-award  winning  six-cylinder  in-line  petrol engine with BMW  Twin Power  Turbo technology, which  teams up with the award winning BMW intelligent   eight-speed   automatic  transmission   to  significantly   reduce  fuel  consumption   and emissions.  For  the  BMW  730Li,  the  3-litre  petrol  engine  delivers  a  maximum  output  of  190 kW/258  hp  with  torque  peaking  at  310Nm.  Fuel economy  is  8.7  litres  per  100km,  with  CO2 emission of 202 grams per km making the BM W 7 30Li 11% more efficient  than its predecessor.

The new BMW 7 Series are available for purchase at BMW dealerships throughout Malaysia.   The retail prices (on the road, without insurance, with BMW Service + Repair Inclusive (BS+RI)) for the all new BMW 7 Series are:

          BMW 730Li : 648,800.00

          BMW 740Li: RM 818,800.00

          BMW ActiveHybid 7L: RM 938,800.00


About BMW E f f icientDyna mics

BMW Efficien tD y namics was co ined by BMW more than a decade ag o to define the compan y ’ s lo n g term su stainab le strateg y to pro duce fuel-sav in g and alternativ e veh icle co ncep ts thro u gh clean pro d uctio n processes. It is an array of techn o lo g ies that are already fitted as stan dard acro ss practically  the w ho le model ran ge. A s the manufacturer  w ith th e most comprehen sive pro gramme for red ucing fuel con sumptio n an d emissio n s, BMW Efficien tD y namics are desig ned t o enhance the performance  an d driv in g p leasure of the veh icles at the same time. In 20 0 7, BMW was awarded  a “ G reen Steerin g Wheel” for ou tstand in g env iro nmen tal in no vatio n for its BMW Efficien tD y namics tech n o lo g y.

The BMW Group
The BMW  Gro u p is one of the most  successful  manufacturers  of automob iles an d motorcycles  in the w orld  w ith  i t s BMW, MINI,  Hu sq varna Mo torcycles  an d Ro ll s-Ro yce brand s . As a g lobal  company,  the BMW  Gro up  operates  2 9 pro d uctio n an d assembly facilities in 14 co u n tries and has a g lo bal sales netw ork in more than 14 0 co u n tries.

In 20 1 2, the BMW  Gro up  so ld  abo u t 1.8 5 millio n  cars  and  more  than  11 7,0 0 0 motorcycles  w orld w ide. The  profit before  tax for  the financial  year  20 1 1  was  euro  7.38  b ill io n  o n  reven ues  amoun tin g  to  euro  68.82  b ill io n.  A t  3 1
December 20 1 1, the BMW Gro u p had a workforce of approximately  1 0 0,0 0 0 emplo yees.

The success of the BMW Gro u p has alway s been b u il t on lo n g-term th in k in g and resp o n sib le actio n. The compan y has therefore   establi shed   ecological   and   social   sustainabili ty   throughout   the  value   chain,  comprehensive   produc t respo n sib il ity  an d a clear commitment  to con serv in g reso urces  as an  in tegral  part  of its  strateg y. A s a resu lt of its efforts,  the BMW  Gro u p has been ranked  in d u stry leader  in th e Do w Jones Su stainab il ity In dexes for the last eig h t years.

About BMW Malaysia Sdn. Bhd

BMWMalay sia Sdn Bhd  is a jo in t ven ture between  Bayerische  Mo toren  Werke (BMW)  A G an d Sime Darb y Berhad. BMW Malay s ia activ ities co ver the w h o lesale of BMW cars, spare parts an d accessories, as well as the o verall p lan n in g of sales, marketin g, after-sales,  and  o ther related  activ it ies  in Malay sia.   Its dealersh ip netw ork covers  16  ou tlets  in vario u s cities in Malay sia.

Website             www.bmwgro u p.com
Facebo o k :               http://w w w.facebook.com/BM W Group
Twitter:                   http:// tw i tter.com/BM W Group
Yo uTube:                http://w w w.youtube.com/BMW Groupview
Go o g le+:                 http://googleplus.bmwgroup.com

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